Patient-specific surgical guides

Surgical guides


Patient-specific surgical guides are 3D printed single-use patient-specific medical devices that help to prevent inaccuracies during surgery and to make pre-surgical plan a reality. Patient-specific surgical guides help a surgeon to precisely carry out the following operations:

  • osteotomy;
  • tumor resection;
  • orthognathic surgery;Surgical guide for femoral deformity correction
  • positioning of standard or patient-specific implant components – with respect to biomechanical axes;
  • screw insertion of the standard or patient-specific implants – according to screwing axes and screw depth that were approved in the pre-surgical plan.

Patient-specific surgical guides are widely used in implantation surgeries either with patient-specific or with standard implants. Mostly patient-specific surgical guides are used in replacement surgeries for knee, hip and other joints. However, they can also assist a surgical treatment of a number of other clinical conditions, e. g. when a certain bone part resection is needed with a purpose other than the insertion of an implant. Examples of such surgical treatment include bone deformity correction surgeries – osteotomies – during which patient-specific surgical guides enable the surgeon to perform a controlled and highly accurate procedure.

Patient-specific surgical guides are designed individually for each patient according to the patient’s anatomical model created from computed tomography images, the patient’s pathology and the surgeon’s requirements for the design. Consequently, patient-specific surgical guides offer a number of advantages compared to conventional surgery guiding methods.


Potential benefits of patient-specific surgical guides:

  • Provide greater accuracy in implant component positioning or performing bone resection;
  • Help precisely replicate pre-surgical plan;
  • Decrease the number of conventional instruments used during surgery;
  • Shorten the duration of surgery;
  • Decrease the risk of surgical complications.

 Fixation options of Ortho Baltic patient-specific surgical guides

Patient-specific surgical guides may be fixed to the patient’s anatomical structures using the following methods:

  1. standard K-wires, or
  2. standard surgical screws, or
  3. only anatomical fixation, or
  4. multiple fixation, e.g., anatomical fixation and using K-wires or screws.

Manufacturing and materials of Ortho Baltic patient-specific surgical guides

Ortho Baltic single-use patient-specific surgical guides and patient-specific anatomical models used in presurgical planning as well as for planning and training purposes during surgeries are printed from biocompatible polymer (PA 2200, also known as Nylon-12), using additive manufacturing technology SLS (Selective Laser Sintering). All the materials, software and hardware used to manufacture patient-specific and surgical guides are certified.

To order a patient-specific surgical guide or if you have any questions, please fill out the form below.