Industrial PhD studies received funding

Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) and Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania organized the audition of industrial doctoral studies. Four subjects for thesis were considered as main ideas to be financed and finally the experts from Lithuanian Research Council approved the funding for the following two:

  1. Personalization of virtual anatomical biomechanical model of human mandible with and application to face and mandible surgical treatment.
  2. Development of design and manufacturing technology of smart patient-specific cranial implants with diagnostic and therapeutic functionality.

Both topics were initialized by the research and development company Ortho Baltic. The industrial phD will be implemented altogether with the scientists from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU).

The researchers are already actual members of Ortho Baltic team. Maxime Maugeon (France) is working as clinical engineer and Domantas Ozerenskis (Lithuania) is responsible for the quality of the products. The aim of M. Maugeon‘s research is to create and develop design and manufacturing technology of smart patient-specific cranial implants. D. Ozerenskis is working on personalization of virtual anatomical biomechanical model of human mandible.

Industrial doctoral studies are oriented to industrial needs and are implemented while cooperating between the scientific institution and business organization. The researcher, phD candidate is admitted to the university and also to the private company as an employee. The advantages of the studies are more topical subjects, higher motivation of the candidates and greater advanced research possibilities. The industrial phD allows to strenghten human resources needed by private companies and improve skills in scientific research area. The aim of such phD programmes is to promote the collaboration between research and business, as a result should be more professionals of high qualifications and more innovations.

Ortho Baltic is the first and so far the only Lithuanian company implementing industrial doctoral studies.

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