Ortho Baltic team came back from 24th Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery (EACMF2018) with a full bag of good experience, impressions and new ideas for the future. The Congress has been held on September 18-21th, 2018, in Munich, Germany.
The main topic of the Congress was Facing the future. It was a good opportunity to hear about surgical techniques, get guidelines on the most important issues and tendencies of cranio maxillofacial surgery. As well as cadaver courses were offered for surgical training.
Alongside with the Congress the exhibition was held. Ortho Baltic team talked about 3D printed personalized implants, their production chain and other interesting topics with the visitors at the booth.
Ortho Baltic team gained first-hand experience of the local and worldwide markets, established new contacts for the future projects and is thankful for meeting them at the event.